Your Story Can Inspire Others

My wife and I moved to Roseburg in 2008 for her work. We thought it was going to be a couple year “stint” and we’d move on… but like many others here, we got swept into the awesomeness of this area. Now, we’re here to stay and I’m inspired everyday by the new stories I … Continued

The #1 Key To Oprah’s Success

I was in a major rut about 4 years back as an entrepreneur. And the thing that got me out of the rut is the same key that Oprah said in an interview is the #1 thing she attributes her success to. Revenues in one of my companies at the time were good… from the … Continued

You Can’t Be Afraid To Make Big Moves

I’ve always been a huge fan of improving things little by little over time to get a better result in life and business If you work the numbers… if you improve things just 2% per month (your number of leads, your revenue, productivity, your weight, etc.), by the end of the year you’ll see a … Continued

When The Entrepreneurial Honeymoon Wears Off…

If you work a job right now but want to be an entrepreneur… I totally know the feeling you just know is waiting on the other side of fence. You can already imagine all of the freedom you’ll gain, no more alarm clock in the mornings nagging you to wake up, no more punching a … Continued