A Nice Day For Clouds

Sometimes the best lessons can be learned (or re-leared) from the most unlikely places. I’ll tell you this story of how my 3 year old daughter gave me a piece of wisdom one morning that I think about every day now to keep me in a positive mindset in life, and as an entrepreneur. But … Continued

The Steve Martin Philosophy of Business

I read a quote a couple years back from Steve Martin, yes… the comedian, that hit me like a ton of bricks. This quote applies to success in business, life, as a community… basically success in anything. Before I tell you this epic quote, I want to illustrate what happens when we don’t follow Steve’s … Continued

It’s All In Your Head – Inside An Entrepreneurs Mind

I’ve spoken with thousands of entrepreneurs, worked with hundreds, and went into business with a handful over the last 10 years. It’s been a wild ride. A fun ride. Lots of ups… some definite downs… and one common thread that I’ve seen all successful entrepreneurs and businesses have that others don’t. More on that in … Continued