My Morning Motivation Spotify Playlist


You’ve heard people say “How you start the day is how your day will play” (or something like that).

Crazy thing is… no matter how you try to short-circuit the system and rush through your morning routine thinking you can make up for it later in the day in extra “mindset” exercises… if you don’t prep your mind and body in the morning to conquer that day (today… NOT tomorrow. Just today)… the day is going to kinda suck.

What helps me get my mind in the right spot every morning is reading something inspirational, a quick meditation (even a 60 second one if that’s all I can sit still enough to do), and music.

My Morning Motivation Playlist

If you have spotify here’s my Morning Motivation Spotify Playlist. I update it adding and taking songs way pretty much monthly… so save this page as a bookmark on your web browser and start playing this every morning.

I usually turn it on when I’m making breakfast for the family… have it cranking when I’m in the shower… and when I’m getting ready. By the time I head out the door my mind is laser focused on the day and it’s got an edge that I don’t have when I skip my Morning Motivation Playlist.

This playlist is now yours! Check back often because I update it often with new songs I find that kick butt.

What songs do you listen to to get you in the right mindset each morning? Throw them in the comments section below!

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