Why My Little Brother Hugged Danica Patrick

I need your help.

And your help will honestly mean the *world* to me.

If you know me personally I have a hard time asking for any favors. I usually just put my head down and figure out how to make things happen. That’s the way I grew up. I guess it was passed down from my dad, and from his dad.

But, this time it’s different.

It’s not for me, it’s for my brother… and helping him quit his day job to go for his dreams.

In a big way.

So, here’s a picture of him with Danica Patrick a few weeks back (one with him going in for the hug to follow below):


(You can help out by first Sharing this post below to help spread the word! Then read the rest of this post to see the “hug”)

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Out of the blue… 

Out of the blue the day after Kyle and I were talking about how he would quit his day job (he works for me full-time) to pursue his dream of growing his new company Athletes Brand (a clothing company that also supports charities)…

… and on that call we both said…

“Kyle, we just need to set a deadline for when you’re  going full-time with Athletes Brand. We don’t have a clue how that’s going to happen or where the money will come from… but we’ll make it happen somehow”.

The rough number we thought he needed to be able to focus on his dream business full-time was $50,000…  at least in the short term.

Ya, $50k.  To help him pay his rent, expenses, etc…. buy some inventory for his new clothing line, etc…. so he could put 100% focus into growing Athletes Brand rather than having to fit his AB stuff into his time from 6pm – 2am (after his day job).

The Law…

… of Attraction took hold.

If you don’t know what the Law of Attraction is… it’s simple. It states that when you set an intention… somehow the universe conspires to pave the way to make it happen.

Ya, sounds like hocus pocus… I know. I used to think to so.

But over the years this stuff happens all of the time to me. The weirdest thing.  But I’ll take it.

So this was a Saturday that Kyle and I had this chat… and we set April 1st as the deadline to somehow find the money to fund the business so he could go full-time.

That’s lesson #1 in this post… if you want something bad enough… get real with yourself and set a clear intention with a clear goal and timeline. Shit aligns to make it happen somehow. It’s the weirdest thing.

The Next Day It Happened…

Kyle got an email from Godaddy that said he was close to being a finalist to a contest that he had no clue even existed.

They just needed to interview him to see if it was a fit.

He did the interviews… and he made it into the final 5 of this mysterious contest… and the prize of this contest is $50,000 so the winner can quit their day job to focus on their passion business.

Sound familiar?  Seems like the EXACT same thing that we talked about needing the day before. Down to a t.

Friggin’ wild right?

Long story short… that next week was a whirlwind.

Godaddy flew Kyle and I out to Charlotte, NC less than a week after first hearing the contest even existed.

For 2 days it was us, the 4 other contestants, and a slew of fancy TV producers and marketing minds.

It was a crazy production.

He had to pitch his business, tell his story, and then they threw a twist in things.

Pitching To Danica Patrick At 125mph…

You can see it on this video over here that Godaddy put up… but they had us setup all of his Athletes Brand gear on a table out on the Charlotte Motor Speedway track so Kyle could pitch his business to a “secret” judge.

Once we got done out of the corner of our eyes we saw a car speeding and screeching at us and come to a screeching halt a few feet away.

Out stepped the special judge… Danica Patrick.

He Went In For The Hug…

Haha, instincts must have kicked in… I’m a hugger too… but as she was reaching out her hand to shake his hand… he dove in for the hug.

That’s lesson #2 in this post… when you get an opportunity to meet someone or do something that is a once in a lifetime thing… make the most of it. Don’t hedge on being safe. Hedge on being more bold than everyone else. You’ll never regret that. But you will regret the times you weren’t bold enough when it mattered.

Now, you can see the full fancy video Godaddy made and put up on the Big Lead contest site where Kyle gives his pitch in Danica’s racecar, his story, why he’s so passionate about Athletes Brand and how it’s making a difference in the lives of people already over here << .

So, My Plea To Those Dreamers, Doers, And Those Who Support Inspiring Entrepreneurship…

… vote for my brother.

Plain and simple.

This contest runs for a month. They let you vote once a day.  The winner is the person who gets the most votes by March 2nd.

It started Super Bowl Sunday and there’s a lot of PR power behind this campaign from Godaddy, Danica, and their marketing team.

But, what we need to win this thing is not the most amount of voters…

… we need the most people who commit to vote the most consistently every single day until March 2nd to win this thing.

How Do You Vote?

Go here: http://www.Godaddy.com/kyle  <<=== Go there daily to support Kyle and help him pursue his passion

*NOTE: Again, the way we’ll win this thing is by having as many people support Kyle as many days throughout the month as possible.

Can you commit to scheduling a calendar reminder to make a quick vote everyday?

Maybe schedule it during lunch… take 30 seconds and make your vote for the day.  Or at night before you go to bed.

Why Vote For Kyle And Not the Other 4 Contestants?

I’m biased. Yes.

I’m passionate about Kyle and his mission because he’s passionate about it. I support the heck outta him.

But the other contestants are GREAT people too. We hung out with them for 2 days and they’re all AWESOME people. Everyone deserves this opportunity and I know would make the most out of it.

If you feel more strongly about another contestant… awesome, support them.

For me, this contest isn’t just about my brother winning and being able to pursue his dream.

Heck, his full-time job currently is working for me at Carrot… and I don’t want to lose him on my team. He’s a critical part of the team.

But I want everyone in my life to go after their passions, find their purpose, and make the biggest impact they can make in life.

This is his chance to do that.

And I know he’ll make the most of it.

And his business and vision is big enough to make a HUGE dent in this world and make a big difference.

Will You Be A Part Of Making His Dream A Reality?

It would rock if you did.

I’d love you forever.

He won’t disappoint you.

And in 10 years when you see the impact he’s making with Athletes Brand…. you’ll know that you were a part of making that happen.

Opportunities like this don’t happen too often for us entrepreneurs… heck, it doesn’t happen all that often when such a simple contribution (30 seconds a day until March 2nd to place a vote for Kyle) can make such a big impact on someones life.

Are you in?

Lets make this happen.

Go here to make your first (or next) vote to support Kyle and all those dreamers out there <<

See Kyle’s Video With Danica And His Story Here Too

After you vote, share it with your Facebook friends BELOW please. Spread the word. Vote everyday.

Share Below To Help Spread The Word After You’ve Voted

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The winner will be announced on March 2nd by Danica Patrick. So keep your eyes tuned to this blog for updates.

We appreciate you more than you know. Kyle and I are seeing this as a pivotal time in his life… and we’re pulling out all stops to make this a reality.

Like I mentioned above, when you have a chance to be BOLD and make a huge difference… choose to be BOLD.

We choose to be BOLD and shamelessly ask for your vote and go after a dream.


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